Passage Bypass"
Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 09, 2001
Wall Kick"
It is possible to wall kick between the ice pillar that holds up the outdoor slide and the mountain, and you can make it all the way up to the slide! |
"Copy-Cat Penguins"
Scotty Hoag
Scotty says:
Scotty says: |
It is also possible to throw the baby penguins off the world or into a
cannon. |
"Secret Tunnel in the Snowy Slide"
When you see a row of coins leading into the side of the slide, go straight, and you will find a secret tunnel:
Visitor says... |
gotten 154 coins. Did you know you can get coins from the snowman on this course and on course 10? I didn't know that for the longest time! That's why I was missing 3 coins before. |
"Get the Baby
Play the "???" star (the one where you take the baby to its mother). Give the baby to its mother. Now take the baby away from the mother! Now give it back! |
Jump from the first tree you see to the other tree and back. |
"You Can Make
It is possible to jump across the broken bridge at the top of the mountain to get the red coin star. |
"Slip Up"
Play "Slip Slidin' Away", and try to make it up the slide from the bottom! |
"Ignore the
Visitor says... |
If you like the background music, you can download it from the music section of my web site.
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